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BabyDink Real Dad Story Q&A #7 - Feat: Liam Hennesy

  • 2 min read

We are thrilled to launch our seventh interview in our 'Real Review of BabyDink' blog series and this time we get to hear from a Dad!

We absolutely love to see the Papa's embracing babywearing and enjoying the maximum bonding benefits.

We created this series with the intention of providing real-life babywearing experiences - shared by YOU our community!

Each month, we will be asking a parent or caregiver that has used the BabyDink No-Wrap Wrap Carrier, asking a series of questions centred around babywearing.

By sharing common experiences, shedding light on the joys and benefits of babywearing from those who have actually embraced it, we hope that the answers shared may help to answer the questions of prospective parents.

It offers a glimpse into the simple, daily moments where babywearing with a BabyDink carrier can help to make that a little bit easier. 

Celebrating life with a newborn and the joy of parenthood, and sharing a few 'babywearing hacks' along the way.

This week we hear from first time Dad, Liam who lives in the USA with his beautiful wife Taneil and their gorgeous baby Lenox.

Liam shares his thoughts on BabyDink.

Can you tell us what you knew about babywearing before the arrival of bub?

Not much at all, however fortunately the nail was hit on the head first go when I was starting to look.

What was it about BabyWearing that appealed to you, for your family?

Simple, easy to put on and blends in with daily attire.

Did you research many carrier brands? 

Me? No, My wife...thoroughly 

So what made BabyDink the right choice for you?

The comfort, lightweight but also feels so strong and safe for baby

What was the most important consideration for you when choosing your baby carrier?

Safety first, needing to have the confidence that baby will be safe and secure.

What would you say are the top 3 benefits that using your BabyDink baby carrier gives you?

Mobility, Comfort, Support

What’s your favourite thing about BabyDink? 

The fact I can slap it on like shirt, put baby in, get straight to it! 

How often would you say you use it?

At least a few times a week.

What are the moments or daily tasks that are made easier when wearing BabyDink?

House hold chores, shopping, and working from home has made it easier to settle him.

What did you notice about bubs when they were in the carrier? 

He was able to get into a comfortable position straight away and settle.

Would you recommend BabyDink to a friend?

I would recommend it to everyone!

And of course, we have to ask what colour did you choose?

Black because it goes with everything.

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