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BabyDink Real Review Q&A #7 - Feat: Kate

  • 3 min read

Real Review of BabyDink

We absolutely love to see our community embracing babywearing and enjoying the maximum bonding benefits.

We created this series with the intention of providing real-life babywearing experiences - shared by YOU our community!

As you know, each month, we will be asking a parent or caregiver that has used the BabyDink No-Wrap Wrap Carrier, asking a series of questions centred around babywearing.

By sharing common experiences, shedding light on the joys and benefits of babywearing from those who have  embraced it, we hope that the answers shared may help to answer the questions of prospective parents.

It offers a glimpse into the simple, daily moments where babywearing with a BabyDink carrier can help to make that a little bit easier. 

Celebrating life with a newborn and the joy of parenthood, and sharing a few 'babywearing hacks' along the way.

This week we hear from Kate and her husband Matt, they are a small family living in South Frankston, Victoria. It is Kate and Matt and their little one Sebastian – plus their fur baby Lily.

1. Can you tell us what you knew about babywearing before the arrival of bub?

Not much, however I had seen how comfy the BabyDink looked when my sister in-law had one.

2. What was it about Babywearing that appealed to you, for your family?

Convenience, I love to bake, eat and socialise so the ability to just strap my bub to me and get on with it was really appealing.

3. Did you research many carrier brands? 

Not really – most of my ‘research’ was information my friends offered.

4. So what made BabyDink the right choice for you?

When I was pregnant and started looking at what I needed, I really hated that a lot of the stuff out there designed for parents of newborns was really bulky and plain ugly (LOL), What I love about the BabyDink, on top of the ease of use, was that it looked nice enough to not ruin a good outfit, and on top of that, it was so comfortable to wear and doesn’t feel like I am wearing a strange contraption with buckles and clips digging into me.

5. What was the most important consideration for you when choosing your baby carrier?

Overall it was visual appeal and then comfort and ease of use.

6. What would you say are the top 3 benefits that using your BabyDink baby carrier gives you?

Nothing calms my bub down like being in the BabyDink, its pure magic. After that would have to be ease of use

and since having a baby during COVID, knowing he is safe in my BabyDink when I am out and about really

helps with stopping (very well meaning) people from touching him at such a time when you want to make sure they are safe from all the germs and bugs going around.

7. What’s your Favourite thing about BabyDink? 

Other than being a fabulous product, I love that BabyDink is a small conscious Aussie brand – it feels good to support a business that has a heart and is helping the local economy.

 8. How often would you say you use it?

I use the BabyDink every day, whether I’m out and about having a coffee, on a walk or just around the house.

9. What are the moments or daily tasks that are made easier when wearing BabyDink?

As anyone who ends up having to have a caesarean knows, you are not allowed to do much for 6 whole weeks, no driving, not walking too far and not carrying/pushing anything – The BabyDink was the only way I was able to get to and from my Maternal health appointments in the early days while still following my Physio's instructions – absolute lifesaver!


10. What did you notice about bubs when they were in the carrier? 

Calm, no matter how unsettled he is, when I pop him in the BabyDink he is happy in just a few moments.

11. Would you recommend BabyDink to a friend?

Absolutely – I have already and have many a friend who has one too. Such a help and straight from birth too which is so helpful – I know with some other carriers, although they say you can use from birth I don’t feel like they have the same kind of support for bubs head so BabyDink is definitely a winner there.

And of course, we have to ask what colour did you choose?

I actually ended up with Lunar. Being from Melbourne nothing is better than a bit of grey plus it goes very well with lots of my black, white and grey clothes. My Husband had a Navy Stripy BabyDink, which is an older colour and hand down from my Sister In-Law.

He loves BabyWearing too!

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